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Kali ini topok saya adalah sesuai dengan judul di atas mengenai mitos mitos kesehatan seputar puasa..
Ada beberapa anggapan , bahwa berpuasa akan menyebabkan sakit, ada pula yang menyangka tidak perlu berolahraga saat berpuasa, dan lagi ada yang mengatakan orang yang menderita sakit maag tidak boleh puasa, Benarkah demikian ?
Naahh... agar tidak salah kaprah ,kita perlu informasi yang benar, sehingga bisa menjalankan ibadah puasa dengan sempurna .
- Tidak Perlu Olah Raga di Bulan Puasa.
Hal ini tidak tepat. Aktifitas fisik saat berpuasa sebaiknya jangan di kurangi,termasuk olah raga.Waktu
yang tepat berolah raga adalah menjelang berbuka puasa,kira kira satu sampai dua jam sebelum berbuka
- . Puasa Menyebabkan Sakit.
Hal ini tidaklah tepat.Pada awal awalnya puasa mungkin badan akan terasa lemas,pusing ,dan tidak
bertenaga. Hal ini terjadi karena adaptasi proses tubuh terhadap pola makan yang berbeda dari biasanya
Namun lama kelamaan tubuh akan menyesuaikan dan terbiasa serta akan kembali normal.
Bahkan banyak penelitian tentang menyebabkan berbagai manfaat kesehatan bagi orang yang berpuasa.
- . Orang Lanjut Usia Tidak Boleh Puasa.
Hal ini tidak sepenuhnya benarPada prinsipnya ,tidak ada larangan untuk bagi lansia menjalankan ibadah
puasa. Memang ada beberapa kondisi lansia yang di bolehkan untuk tidak berpuasa, misaalnya dalam
kondisi yang lemah, atau sakit. Akan lebih baik sebelumya konsultasikan atau periksaka kesehatan ke
dokter sebelum berpuasa
- Penderita Sakit Maag Tidak Boleh Puasa.
Tidak semua gangguan maag menjadi halangan untuk berpuasa,tergantung jenis dan parahnya penyakit
maag yang di derita. pada penderita maag yang tanpa di sertai kelainan pada saluran cerna tidak masalah
untuk berpuasa. Bahkan dengan berpuasa akan membantu meringankan gejala maagnya.
Sedangkan bagi penderita maag yang dengan kelainan sebaiknya konsultasi dan periksakan kedokter
sebelum berpuasa.
- Tidak Perlu Makan Sahur.
Sebagian orang beranggapan tidak perlu makan sahur sebelum berpuasa, cukup hanya makan malam
sebelum tidur. Makan sahur sangat penting bagi yang berpuiasa, tanpa sahur kadar normal gula darah ha
nya bertahan dua sampai tiga jam setelah tidur selanjutnya akan menurun dan akan menyebabkan tubuh
rerasa lemas.
Mudah mudahan informasi ini dapat bermanfaat dan dapat meluruskan kesalahafahaman yang ada di masyarakat, dan selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkah...Aamiin..
Previously I say with joy Ahlan Wasahlan ya Ramadan Kareem ....
This time my topok is in accordance with the title above about the myths of the myth of health around the fast ..
There are some assumptions, that fasting will cause illness, some are not supposed to exercise at the time of fasting, and again there are saying people who suffer from heartburn can not fast, Really?
Naahh ... so as not to misunderstand, we need the right information, so it can run the fasting worship perfectly.
No Need for Sports in the Fasting Month.
This is not right. Physical activity when fasting should not be reduced, including sports. Time
The right exercise is ahead of breaking the fast, about one to two hours before breaking the fast
. Fasting Causes Pain.
This is not appropriate. In the beginning initially fasting may the body will feel weak, dizzy, and not
Powerful. This happens because of the adaptation of body processes to diets that are different from the usual
But over time the body will adjust and accustomed and will return to normal.
Even a lot of research about causing various health benefits for the fasting person.
. Older People Not Fasting.
This is not entirely true. In principle, there is no prohibition for the elderly to worship
fasting. There are indeed some elderly conditions that are allowed to not fast, eg deep
Weak condition, or illness. It would be better before consult or check health to
Doctor before fasting
Patients with ulcer pain No Fasting.
Not all ulcer disorders become an obstacle to fasting, depending on the type and severity of the disease
Maag in suffering. In patients with ulcers that are not accompanied by abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract no problem
To fast. Even with fasting will help alleviate the symptoms of his ulcer.
As for the sufferer ulcer with the disorder should consult and check the doctor
Before fasting.
No Need to Eat Sahur.
Some people assume no need to eat dawn before fasting, just simply dinner
before sleeping. Eating Sahur is very important for the fasting, without the normal content of blood sugar ha
Its survival two to three hours after the next sleep will decrease and will cause the body
Feel limp.
Hopefully this information can be useful and can straighten out misconceptions that exist in the community, and survived to perform fasting in Ramadhan month full of blessing ... Aamiin ..
Previously I say with joy Ahlan Wasahlan ya Ramadan Kareem ....
This time my topok is in accordance with the title above about the myths of the myth of health around the fast ..
There are some assumptions, that fasting will cause illness, some are not supposed to exercise at the time of fasting, and again there are saying people who suffer from heartburn can not fast, Really?
Naahh ... so as not to misunderstand, we need the right information, so it can run the fasting worship perfectly.
No Need for Sports in the Fasting Month.
This is not right. Physical activity when fasting should not be reduced, including sports. Time
The right exercise is ahead of breaking the fast, about one to two hours before breaking the fast
. Fasting Causes Pain.
This is not appropriate. In the beginning initially fasting may the body will feel weak, dizzy, and not
Powerful. This happens because of the adaptation of body processes to diets that are different from the usual
But over time the body will adjust and accustomed and will return to normal.
Even a lot of research about causing various health benefits for the fasting person.
. Older People Not Fasting.
This is not entirely true. In principle, there is no prohibition for the elderly to worship
fasting. There are indeed some elderly conditions that are allowed to not fast, eg deep
Weak condition, or illness. It would be better before consult or check health to
Doctor before fasting
Patients with ulcer pain No Fasting.
Not all ulcer disorders become an obstacle to fasting, depending on the type and severity of the disease
Maag in suffering. In patients with ulcers that are not accompanied by abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract no problem
To fast. Even with fasting will help alleviate the symptoms of his ulcer.
As for the sufferer ulcer with the disorder should consult and check the doctor
Before fasting.
No Need to Eat Sahur.
Some people assume no need to eat dawn before fasting, just simply dinner
before sleeping. Eating Sahur is very important for the fasting, without the normal content of blood sugar ha
Its survival two to three hours after the next sleep will decrease and will cause the body
Feel limp.
Hopefully this information can be useful and can straighten out misconceptions that exist in the community, and survived to perform fasting in Ramadhan month full of blessing ... Aamiin ..
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